Believing in the Unbelievables
Orchid Orchid
  • Kourtney Heintz

  • Welcome

    Thanks for dropping by!

    As Kourtney Heintz, I write award winning cross-genre fiction—unconventional love stories with elements of fantasy, suspense, and literary.

    As K.C. Tansley, I write Amazon bestselling YA time travel murder mysteries.

    If you’d like to learn more about my writings, I’ve posted info on my books. The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts is about a teenage girl who accidentally time travels to solve a murder. The Six Train to Wisconsin tells the story of what a man would do to save his wife from her out-of-control telepathy. There’s some poetry too, if that’s more your style.

    If you’re curious about me, my bio is a good place to start. Maybe you just stopped by to see where I’ve been or what I’ve been up to. If you’d like to learn more about my life as a writer, my blog is filled with the day-to-day struggles of this epic journey.

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